Tuesday, August 27, 2013

So Many Changes

I am sorry my fellow readers that I have left you hanging since Breastfeeding Week. I totally did not mean to do that. I am usually writing a blog entry every day if not at least a couple times a week but I have been so pre-occupied, I forgot. Please, forgive me!

The new news is that I resigned from my call center job. I was there almost a year and a half and made the decision...the hard decision to leave. The hours were great.........for someone that has older kids. I have a brand new baby (well, really he is now 11 weeks now. Where did that time go?) and working 10am to 7pm Monday through Friday is not ideal. I was then offered up a part time position working 11am to 4:30pm. Okay, somewhat better hours but the problem lies in the fact that I have no transportation and I do not have a reliable sitter. I do not feel secure putting my child or any of my children in daycare for the simple fact of all the horror stories you hear and see about on the news. NO THANK YOU!!! So, at the moment, I am plugging away and sending resumes and emails out every day to jobs that offer any position after 4pm and with a decent pay plus health/dental benefits.

We had a photographer from Our365 Portraits come to our house earlier this week to take some photos of Baby T. I have to admit, I am shocked that he did so well. Speaking of the photographer. Ha ha! Baby T is a happy baby and being that he had a bath that morning, had some "boobie juice" (as the Big Kahuna father in law calls it) and had a small-ish nap, he was ready to go with some pictures. I am a bit bummed we only did one outfit and then just him in his diaper but I am very happy with the outcome. Several hundred dollars later, we have a disc of the photos coming in the mail sometime next week that we can make whatever prints and how ever many prints and sizes we want at our own cost and choice!

Speaking of Baby T, he is wanting to crawl so badly. When you put him on his tummy, he kicks his legs and pushes but he isn't going anywhere. He can turn himself around but not quite crawl or scoot. That is, unless you put your hand behind his feet and he pushes off of them. He is only 11 weeks old. He doesn't need to be doing that just yet.

Also, he had his first giggle. Or so I like to think. I am his mother, of course I am going to say he giggled. He has even rolled over from his tummy to his back. Some may not think that is a big deal as it could be easy to do that but every milestone is a big deal to me.

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