Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Me, Myself, and I

I am "BoyMama" (not my real name!)
I am going to be 30 in a few months. Can I start going backwards on the birthdays? I have 2 sons. I have been married once before for 6 years. I plan on making this marriage last a lot longer than that! I am a customer service representative for a mail order pharmacy but hoping to find something closer to home with better hours to suit being a new mommy again. I am also a photographer so I will always be posting photos so be prepared for that.

AJ is my husband, my best friend and the one man who can annoy me to the point it is hilarious. He will be 30 as well in a few months but I don't think he cares! He likes anime, comic books, superheros....well anything nerdy/geeky!! 

 Bubs is my 7 year old son. He is my superhero in many ways. He will be going into 1st grade and loves to play with remote controls of any kind, loves watching cartoons, playing video games, swimming and riding his bike.

Baby T is my newest addition. He is 2 months. Baby T is already scooting while on his tummy, holds his head up, and loves sticking his tongue out. He is breastfed and loves "mama milk"!

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